
Showing posts from August, 2020

Fluid acrylic abstract painting

 I cropped this abstract painting from a much larger failed piece of art that just didn’t work. You can’t win them all.....

Abstract painting of autumn with fine liner

 Autumn Jumble- today’s fluid acrylic painting. I like this technique using fineliner bottles - no brushes to clean at the end of it! It’s taking a bit of practice getting the consistency of the paint right for it to flow, but I’m getting there, wherever there is.....

Fluid acrylic autumn colours

More fun today creating an abstract background and used a fine liner bottle to create abstract reeds and twigs on top. 

Pink jellyfish in underwater abstract painting

 This artwork started out as a gentle underwater scene, but I wanted to let my hair down and went for drama,  🤣🐠🐟

Stonehenge oil painting

 I completed this one a couple of months ago, on board 20” x 16”. It’s my 4th one of Stonehenge. Something keeps drawing me back in to capture the mystical landscape! 

fluid acrylics painting abstract on box canvas

 More fun with golden acrylics, abstracts are harder than I thought they would be, but I quite like this one and have called it “Splash”. I’m hoping by just looking at it, I’ll be cooler! 😂

Fluid acrylic painting of nature

 “Reaching Out” is my take on the New Forest. I always feel so alive in that environment, it’s buzzing all year round.

Fluid acrylic on box canvas abstract painting

 I’m enjoying making abstract backgrounds at the moment with only a vague idea of what Direction I might take it. This one cried out for a couple in love walking through life together.

Golden fluid acrylics flower painting

I love the rich colours and vibrancy of these paints. I found some of the colours (here it was white and green gold) that bit denser and more of a challenge to squeeze through my fine liner bottle, but in the end it added variation to the artwork.   

Summer meadow flower painting

 Carrying on theme of Celebrate Summer, I did a set of 3 7” x 5” canvas boards all in one session using the same palette and this is one of them. 

Sunflowers -sunshine Day Golden fluid acrylics

 continuing my theme of Celebrate summer. Created background with fluid acrylics and cling film, before adding flowers and a few dark grasses. 

Abstract painting of flowers in meadow

This was my first attempt at using a fine liner bottle with fluid acrylics. Not as easy as I thought! I bought a cheap bottle initially and had to pierce top with a sewing needle, but I didn’t get a clean pin prick and the paint blobbed out instead of a thin line, which is what I was trying to achieve.  I next bought a Frisk thin liner bottle with the nozzle already prepared - much better to use. Lesson learnt....

Fun using Golden Fluid Acrylics

Another summer celebration painting! These paints are so rich in pigment, I only needed a few drops sprinkled on the board to create this background together with lots of water and clingfilm.

Abstract Floral Painting

Completed this cheery piece this morning- third in the series of Celebrate Summer. Lots of layers using fluid acrylics and cling film.

Oil Painting of our lovely blue planet

I was inspired to paint our lovely planet after the launch of Perserverance on its journey to Mars. Mind blowing!